

The website “” is the property of Kigtek Solutions Ltd (Company number: SC349224), with its registered office at:

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Bellshill, North Lanarkshire

Phone: 08451 800 863


Microsoft Ireland Operations
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South County Business Park, Leopardstown,
Dublin 18 D18 P521,
Republic of Ireland

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6 Place Garibaldi,
06300 Nice

La Jungle
50 Rue Didier Daurat
34170 Castelnau-Le-Lez


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Kigtek owns, reserves and retains all ownership rights, and in particular intellectual property rights, to this Site and its content, including reproduction rights.
Consequently, and in particular, any partial or total reproduction of this Site and its content is strictly prohibited without written authorisation from Kigtek.

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Although Kigtek strives to provide reliable content on its Site, it does not guarantee that its content is free of inaccuracies or omissions and shall not be held liable for any errors or omissions, or for the unavailability of information and services. Kigtek reserves the right, at any time and without notice, to make improvements and/or changes to the content of its Site.

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